Mar 30, 2018 selected Sandy Koufax as one of the 15 books to read before the start of baseball season. They write: Koufax’s name is incredibly well known, but the player is also incredibly private. Jane Leavy does all baseball-fans a service by offering...
Apr 8, 2012
John Williams asks books and sports staff members of the Times to share their favorite baseball books, fiction and nonfiction. Tyler Kepner lists Sandy Koufax and The Last Boy as masterpieces of their genre.
Aug 16, 2011
Curb Your Enthusiasm’s Jeff Garlin has Sandy Koufax in his library: I’m a Chicago Cubs fan — I was born there — and the framing of this book is a perfect game he pitched against the Cubs in Dodger Stadium. I loved Sandy Koufax. In a world where athletes...